Our Story
Searching for great gear for cats is a hard quest. Being accustomed to high quality, well designed products for outdoor activities we wanted the same in adventure cat gear. However the market was lacking in this area. There are some great products for dogs, but they simply don’t work or fit well for cats. In steps Lyra Cat LLC… our business was created to initially fill this gap in our own lives but something this good just shouldn’t be kept to ourselves. All adventure cats (and their people) deserve great gear!

Rebecca Browning
Founder and CEO
A West Virginia native, Rebecca has had a passion for cats and animals since she was a young girl. When paired with her love of adventure and the outdoors it was inevitable that when Lyra joined the family in the summer of 2013 that she would become an adventure cat and join in on all the family activities. Among her favorite activities are mountain biking, sailing, backpacking, rock climbing and kayaking. As a teenager she learned to sew from her mother and grandmother, these skills came in quite handy while designing and making Lyra’s adventure cat gear.

CFO (Chief Feline Officer)
Lyra is the inspiration behind our company. It was her need for better adventure gear that sparked the first design ideas. She directs the needed design elements in the products and fully tests every prototype. When she is not working she enjoys long naps on a sunny balcony and leisurely walks through the woods.

Product Inspector/Chief Hooligan
Linus is always nearby keeping a close eye on all product design. He fully inspects every product. He helps Lyra with product testing to make sure every design is top notch. He does his best to distract from work by playing with everything in sight.